Jun 14, 2011

Paper Items = Books, in my book

This week's ESN scavenger hunt is for paper items. Bookworm that I am, I just had to center my search on books. I have always loved to read and I hate to see the day that electronic devices take over completely and real paper and ink books become obsolete. 
You can find just about any kind of book in the ESN Scavenger Hunter Stores.
I love to cook, and there are all kinds of recipe books available.
Like this Mexican Cookbook from Eccentric Thrifter

I've always been one to "look it up" when I wanted to learn something new. I'd be willing to bet our encyclopedias got used more than most over the pre-internet years. And I can't quite get used to not having a "real" paper dictionary at hand.
Here's a good reference set for the home handyman.

Learn everything you ever wanted to know about home repair and maintenance
 from this Time Life 10 book set
available from Eccentric Thrifter
Who doesn't enjoy a good novel or romance or whodunit now and then?  I know I do.  Seeing a movie is just not the same as a good read.
One of many good books at Barb's Bargains Reading Corner

And didn't we all grow up reading "funny books" ?  What were some of your favorites?  I liked Archie, Little Lulu, and....so many more. Also, the "funny papers" in the daily and Sunday papers.

One of the collectible comics available at Comyc  Gyrl  Collectibles
And of course, there are the instruction books for crochet and all kinds of crafts.  We spent many hours making things using these printed instructions.
See this one of many crochet and crafting instruction books at  BB Addicted to Crafting

Like other categories there are always lots to choose from at ESN. Drop by and take a look around. Enjoy a good book of your choosing today.


  1. I love to read also. Good paper choices from ESN.

  2. I agree! I, too, love to read and nothing will ever replace real books for me :D
