Mar 6, 2012

Putting "A Bug in Your Ear"

Our ESN topic this week is BUGS. Since I don't really have anything listed that has to do with bugs, I decided to "put a bug in your ear" about my latest "find". Since high school Spanish when I first really became aware of idioms, I have been fascinated with them. An idiom is something that is generally understood by someone who speaks the language as a native, but its meaning does not translate into another language. For example, "putting a bug in someone's ear" in English means to drop a hint or reminder, or to give someone an idea very subtly.  It certainly would sound crazy translated into some other language to say "I'm going to put a bug in his ear." You'd have to say or write the equivalent of "Give him a hint" for the non-English speaker to understand.  Fans of NCIS see and hear Zeva having trouble with  English idioms and adages and twisting them around all the time.  Another one that is really crazy if you think of it from the non-English speakers perspective is "he's pulling your leg."  Can you see that as really pulling on someone's leg?

Anyway, I found some really neat canisters this past weekend.  I'd like for you to take a look at them, and pass the word on to your friends about Hazel's HodgePodge.  They are big red aluminum apples. They have green plastic stems with green leaves as knobs.  I have found that there was an older version of these aluminum canisters with metal stems and leaves.  So while I figure these are fairly old--vintage if you will--they are not the oldest ones around.
See and Buy these neat collectible canisters HERE
Be sure to check out my other new listings,too.

1 comment:

  1. Loved the NCIS reference! Those are great collectibles - it's rare to find aluminum canisters anymore.
